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Network Usage and Policy

General Terms and Conditions for Network Use


BruCON provides complimentary Internet access to visitors, made possible by the generous support of Exclusive Networks. By using this service, you agree to refrain from any illegal or unethical activities. BruCON kindly asks all users to act responsibly and avoid any actions that could compromise the event.


Please note:


  • Liability: BruCON vzw and its members do not accept responsibility for any illicit use of the network.

  • Usage Monitoring: Network traffic is logged and may be used for post-event forensic investigations if necessary.




Network Facilities

Wi-Fi  is available for free.

SSID : brucon
WPA pre-shared key at Front Desk
IP range, DNS & gateway: Provided by DHCP
GW MAC Address : 00:0d:61:2d:c8:83


Wired connectivity will be provided only for the press, speakers (presentations, lightning talks, workshops, …) and the crew.Provided Services – IP addresses will be allocated via DHCP for visitors. Speakers who need a fixed IP address can contact the network crew.

Incident Reporting (CERT)

BruCON operates a Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) to address potential security incidents.


  • If you suspect illegal activity, please report it immediately to the CERT team.

  • Contact: email us or speak with a member of the BruCON crew.


Please note that you are attending a security conference where Belgium top hacking talents converge. As such, it is crucial to treat the network as inherently hostile, much like any other untrusted external network.


To protect your data and devices while at BruCON, we recommend bringing a dedicated device with only essential software and no sensitive or confidential information. Ensure your device is fully backed up, encrypted, and updated with the latest security patches. Utilize secure communication methods, such as VPNs or encrypted tunnels, and avoid using unsecured protocols. Physically secure your device by enabling BIOS passwords, clearly labeling your hardware for identification, and keeping it under your supervision at all times.


Additionally, prepare for practical needs by bringing power cords or extensions, as power outlets may be limited.

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